
 Environmental & Sustainability Policy

This document states Zachary Spark Constructions Environmental Policy. It details the company’s intentions, commitment and principles in the area of environmental management and sustainability.

The environment and the protection of the environment is a high priority to Zachary Spark Constructions. We are committed to conducting business in a manner that uses natural resources responsibly and protects the quality of the environment in our community with an emphasis on using preventative measures, thus creating a sustainable future .

Within our own operations we require employees and contractors to comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and standards as well as Zachary Spark Construction’s voluntary commitments to the community.

By following our environmental management system Zachary Spark Constructions aims to reduce the environmental impacts of:

  • Construction and maintenance.

  • Emergencies and accidents.

  • Vehicle noise and exhaust emissions.

We have developed attitudes and processes that result in:

  • Caring for and protection of cultural heritage places, values and landscapes.

  • Effective means of caring for native flora and fauna.

  • Protection of natural terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems and threatened plant and animal species.

Zachary Spark Constructions objectives are to co-operate with and maintain good relations with all regulatory authorities and bodies. Through the use of careful management, education of our employees and contractors and application of best practice principles, Zachary Spark Constructions is committed to undertake works of a large-scale nature with minimal impact on the natural environment. Throughout the years of operation, Zachary Spark Constructions have developed extensive operational procedures, which are strictly adhered to regarding construction and environmental impact.

We believe that the protection of our physical and social environment is an integral part of our business and it is our commitment to protect the environment and meet community aspirations for a sustainable future.